[상장기업] 임상Manager

㈜케이와이씨지(KYCG)는 2016년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 5,000만원 사원수 10명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 금천구 디지털로9길 46 (가산동, 이앤씨드림타워7차)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅,해외유료직업소개사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

CTM/ Asistant
( 1명 )


Roles and responsibilities performed by the Clinical Trial Manager (CTM) are:

- Supervise in-house clinical trial staff

- Guide in the creation of important study documents

- Conduct feasibility studies

- Develop study budgets

- Oversee patient recruitment

- Ensure compliance of staff with the organizations Standard Operating Procedures

- Conduct team meetings and staff training programs

- Overall responsibility of the ongoing studies

- Participate in protocol development, CRF design and clinical study report writing

- Optimize costs and resources to help improve the organizations profitability

Competencies & Skills:

Various competencies and skills are required to become an efficient Clinical Trial Manager.

Some of them are:

- Thorough understanding of the drug development process with extensive knowledge of


- Extensive knowledge of clinical trial regulations such as those of US FDA, EMEA, DCGI etc

- Influential & assertive communication skills

- Excellent leadership skills

- Good record keeping skills

- Ability to motivate

- Self Confidence

- Ability to think Out-of-the-box

- Problem solving skills

- Conflict management skills

- People management skills


- Bachelors or Masters degree in Pharmacy or any Science related field is highly recommended


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