디자인 팀장 - 외국계 유명 럭셔리 기업

헤니앤머코이는 2006년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 15명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로92길 14 (대치동, 동우리빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅 및 커리어 컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

디자인 팀장 - 외국계 유명 럭셔리 기업
( 1명 )


- Team Management                                                             

- Define clear role and responsibility for work effectiveness & efficiency.  

- Develop individual team potential / competences and lead them to achieve goals by coaching for success or improvement.

- Build and maintain team spirit              

- Painting team operation and capacity management                 

- Delegate painting tasks to team members                                                   

- Image copyright management and image design in accordance with company guidelines

- Monitor capacity, propose additional resource and set up back up contingency plan to guarantee smooth daily operation.

- Set guidelines and maintain safe and presentable working environment.           

- Store Supports                                                                  

- Maximize client satisfaction through sophisticated image design, high-quality painting and lead-time management

- HSL sales support by producing various painting stocks            

- Deliver trainings and in-store animations to promote painting service                                                                  

- Perform tasks and support operation during staffs’ leave, carry out departmental administrative jobs and ad hoc assignment / projects.


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력10년↑

- Over 10 years working experience of design related work                    

- Operation and team management working experience              

- Education: University graduate / Art or design major                                                                                                              

- Fluent in English                                                                           

- Computer literacy in photoshop, illustrator, MS office                          

- Listening, interpersonal and public speech communication skills            

- Motivating and inspiring team development                                      

- Time management with prioritization and delegation                                                                                        

- Integrity as team role model with fair judgement                                          

- People caring                                                                    

- Positive & Trustworthy                                                                  

- Agility and flexible to cope with changes & handle uncertainty comfortably with courage & confident

- Appreciate & interested in craftsmanship                                                    



ㆍ관련 학과 전공자

ㆍ관련 자격증 보유자

ㆍ리더쉽 소유자

ㆍ유관업무 경력자


ㆍ서류전형 > 면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.