외국계 에너지, 자원관리 기업

환경안전관리 전문가(ESH)

엑스다임은 2004년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 1억 5,000만원, 매출액 2억 4,987만원, 사원수 15명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 영동대로 602 (삼성동, 삼성동미켈란107)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

다음과 같이 외국계 에너지, 자원관리 기업에서 '안전관리 담당자(HSE)'를 찾습니다.
* Job Title : 안전관리 담당자(HSE)
* Position : 과장~차장급
* Experience : 5년 이상
* Location : 서울

Support for the management and its continual improvement of 
Company Integrated Management System (QMS+EMS+OHSMS)

- HSE management and project support (if requested) in line with Company Guidance.
- H&S Incident Report, Investigation and Corrective/Preventive actions
- HSE Regulation (REGAT)/ Other requirements
- Management & continual improvement of IMS system, monitoring (BAP, Document Control) & Corrective/Preventive actions
- Management of H&S Cross Coaching Program
- H&S Risk Assessment & Corrective/Preventive actions

- Engineering major (H&S, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering would be preferred)
- Career: About 5 years experience in H&S, Environment and QA (ISO management experience preferred)
- Skills: Fluent English in all aspects of writing, reading and speaking, TOEIC score 800 or higher)
- Good interpersonal skills
- License: Industrial Safety Engineer(산업안전기사) and Quality Management Engineer (품질경영기사) will be a plus

Those who are interested in this opportunity, please submit your Resume in MS Word Format by email urgently.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted for interview.
All resumes not contacted will be kept in DB confidentially for future positions.

Kyung Jin KIM
CEO & Executive Search Consultant
Exdigm Inc
Email: ceo@exdigm.com
U. www.exdigm.com


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