Head of Marketing (이사급)

- 외국계 패션 회사

헤니앤머코이는 2006년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 15명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로92길 14 (대치동, 동우리빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅 및 커리어 컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Head of Marketing 이사급
( 1명 )


This role is to lead, plan, execute and monitor all marketing strategies/activities to achieve brand and commercial objectives working with the key stakeholders.

- Implement seasonal Marketing initiatives

- Develop local initiatives to address local campaign extensions, strategic/key account initiatives

- Lead and manage the marketing channel functions  including Marketing Communications, PR, Digital, Lifestyle Marketing, Sports Marketing and VMD

- Define and manage the local  marketing calendar


Task 1: Develop and implement marketing strategy to budget according to the Global, APAC GTM process aligned with Sales, Retail and Merchandising to optimize brand equity.

Task 2: Lead and execute consumer communications strategy for all key initiatives according to Global brand narrative and product stories with local relevance by effective use of media, PR, digital, events.

Task 3 Lead the global entertainment marketing presenting Korea and other Asia countries with strategic approach based on communication with global functions

Task 4: Develop and implement commercial marketing by supporting sell in activities at trade shows and drive sell through effectiveness. Manage effective use of trade marketing budget aligned to key accounts and initiatives.

Task 5: Maximize usage of global assets and manage a portfolio of local assets to drive sports credibility and brand desirability.


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력15년↑

- 15~20 years of experience or marketing in Fashion industry(Lifestyle , Outdoor , Sports, etc… ) or consumer goods industry

- Extensive knowledge on all the marketing functions

- Strong initiatives with hands on work

- Fluent in English / Good communication skills

- Full of energy and has a positive mind

- Ability lead, coach, and develop a team



ㆍ엑셀 고급능력 보유자

ㆍ관련 학과 전공자

ㆍ관련 자격증 보유자

ㆍ리더쉽 소유자

ㆍ유관업무 경력자


ㆍ서류전형 > 면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.