
직급: Financial Controller (Team Leader/ Manager)


Finance operations

- Lead the finance operations within Korea office

- Main contact point for Regional Office and external service provider.

- Review monthly/yearly financial reports and submit to Regional Office

- Review book-keeping records and balance sheet schedules

- Review and approve all payments vouchers, including corporate card payments

- Review corporate tax and other indirect taxes returns

- Report tax issues to HQ and communicate with HQ if needed

- Manage cashflow planning and forecast

- Prepare budget for corporate team

Business Support

- Support in the budgeting process for local business teams

- Prepare project revenue and costings for business teams

- Prepare project summary sheet for internal purpose


- Liaise with Regional Office for updates of corporate secretarial matters

- Communicate with Regional office related to legal corporate documents and business sales agreements

- Support Human Resource relating to office general administration (including renewal of office lease)

- Support Regional Office on any adhoc tasks if any


- 국내외 대학 졸업 (경영학/회계학 등 관련 전공자)

- 회계 경력 7년 이상

- 외국계 재직 경험자

- Fluent in English


국문이력서  영문이력서 (word)

(문의) 2051-3913