글로벌 소비재기업, 

비즈니스 애널리스트 (영업 데이터 애널리스트)

< 회사 소개 > 
- 미국계 소비재기업 (코스메틱, 건강기능식품, Healthcare 제품, 생활용품 등)
- 회사위치: 삼성동 아셈타워(27-29층), 임직원 500명, 매출 1조2천억원
- 인센티브, 고정 상여금, 여름휴가비, 자사제품 구매 할인 등 다양한 복지혜택
- 워라벨 우수기업, 육아휴직, 장기근속자 최대 30일 휴가제도 운영 

포지션 및 자격요건

Business Analyst


-영업 데이터 분석 

* 포지션명: 영업기획부, Business Analyst (대리-과장급)

 - 영업 데이터 분석 

* 주요업무 

  • - Set analytics priorities in sales plan initiatives. Translate business questions into appropriate analytical projects that will inform strategic and tactical business decisions.
  • - Support establishing success metrics and measurement plans that explain the incremental impact of the sales initiatives.
  • - Deep dive into business reward plan data sets to identify and communicate implications/insights to senior management and cross functional stakeholders for better decision making.
  • - Operate seamlessly between being a business-savvy internal consultant and a highly technical business intelligence analyst.
  • - Collaborate with peer data analysts to work on cross-functional projects to develop insights.
  • - Utilize a variety of software solutions to extract and analyze data.
  • - Utilize statistics and data visualization skills to report on results of on-going operations and projects, as required.

* 지원자격 

  • - A bachelor's degree or above, majored in statistics or mathematics.
  • - 4 to 8 years of experience in data analytics or business strategies. 
  • - Strong analytical skills and demonstrated ability to turn detailed data analysis into useful strategic insight in order to make appropriate recommendations to the business.
  • - Familiarity with statistical and machine learning methods.
  • - Proficiency in MS Office suite particularly with MS Excel.
  • - Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • - Business fluency in English and Korean.

  • * 우대사항 
  • - Deep understanding of statistics and data modeling.
  • - Demonstrated project or work experience using one or more  programming/scripting languages (e.g. SQL, SAS, R, Python).
  • - Experience using data visualization tools such as Tableau or Power BI.

* 상세문의 
  포커스에이치알, 윤정숙 대표 (02-565-5414, jean@focushr.co.kr)


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