[의뢰 회원사]

- 유명 파운드리 반도체사



- DT

- 직급 : 직급관계 없음


? Work closely with Design Flow team at company headquarters to gain a deep understanding of design
    methodology & flow, technology capabilities and constraints.
? Good knowledge in script/programming languages such as Perl, Python, TCL, C/C+
? Experience with complete ASIC or Standard Product Implementation flow
    - 4+ years RTL Synthesis/Timing Constratint Creation, Analysis and Closure
    - 4+ years Floorplan/Place/Route and related work
    - Proficiency with design tools, flows and Tcl/Perl/Python script language
? 5+ years of hands on experience on RTL2GDSII or supporting SoC designs for the same including
   converging and taping out multi-Ghz SoC design partitions with multiple power domains on leading
   edge process technology (10nm/5nm/3nm or more advanced)


- 공학전공(석박사 우대)

  Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or related field

- 외국어 회화 가능자 우대

- Design Flow/Design Methodology관련 학과 우대

- 연봉 : 면접 후 결정

- 근무지 : 광교


- 1차 서류전형

- 2차 면접

- 합격자에 한해 개별 연락


- 연금,보험 : 국민연금, 고용보험, 산재보험, 건강보험

- 휴무, 휴가 : 주 5일 근무

- 보상제도 : 성과에 따른 연말 인센티브

- 건강관리 지원 : 건강검진 지원

- 경조사 지원 : 각종 경조금, 경조사비 지원

- 기타 : 해외연수 지원, 어학비 지원, 사내 어학 강좌 운영, 사내 동호회 활동 지원

[문의사항 연락처정보]

HR컨설팅㈜ 헤드헌터 권철환 전무/파트너

서울 강남구 테헤란로 33길 11 JS빌딩 8층

TEL : 02-6207-0363    FAX : 02-522-3887

H.P : 010-5416-6293

Email : cwkweon@hrcon.co.kr, wogmle@paran.com