e-Commerce 3PD(3rd Party Direct) PMO 컨설턴트 채용 (3-4명), S그룹컨설팅회사(서울 송파구 잠실역 근처)

포지션 및 자격요건

e-Commerce 3PD3rd Party
( 3명 )

1. Job Title: 3PD e-Commerce Development PMO Consultant(삼성전자)
    *컨설팅이나 Agency 출신 선호하나 Agency 출신이 아니어도 현업에서 닷컴, eCommerce 관련 시스템 
     기획, 도입, 구축/확산 업무를 해본 영어 커뮤니케이션 가능한 분 대상 중점적 검토
2. Job Summary
-  e-Commerce 3PD (3rd Party Direct) Development PMO drives the development, testing, and launch of       3PD Roll-out projects. You will collaborate closely with clients, middleware developers, subsidiaries, and       regional marketplaces to ensure projects meet HQ standards and deadlines.
3. Responsibilities

  • Project Coordination: Lead 3PD projects based on various e-commerce platforms, utilizing middleware integrations.
  • Integration Management: Oversee 3PD middleware integrations, adhering to region-specific regulations and managing the development scope for each marketplace.
  • Issue Resolution: Proactively identify and address development roadblocks and dependencies to maintain project momentum.

4. Qualifications
- Experience: 4-8 years of experience in e-commerce development project management.
- Education: Bachelor's degree or higher (Marketing, Statistics, Management/Economics preferred).

5. Skills:
- Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships 
  with diverse stakeholders.
- Proven analytical and problem-solving abilities.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office 
- Fluent in English.
- Willingness to travel abroad when required.
- Good understanding of the software development lifecycle is a plus.
* 채용시기 : ASAP, 1차 서류마감 24. 5. 31(금) 까지 
* 처우 : 협의가능 (계약년봉 + 평균적으로 인센티브 연봉의 10% 이상 지급 + 
           기타 식대/복지포인트 등 현금성 복리후생 지원 등) 
* 제출서류 : 수행하였던 업무(프로젝트) 중심의 영문이력서, 국문이력서 둘 다 제출 
* 근무처 : 서울시 송파구 잠실역 근처 (잠실역에서 도보 가능거리) 
*연락처: 윤 영호 대표 컨설턴트         
           CorePoint(코어포인트) Co.,Ltd.              
           Mobile: 010-9131-5274
           E-mail: bigdreamer@corepoint.kr


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