Medical Science Liaison (MSL- Sr. MSL) - 외국계제약사

포지션 및 자격요건

Medical Science Liaison 

[ 담당업무 ]
- External Medical & Scientific engagement
- Medical & Scientific Support for internal stakeholders: Act as scientific expert in priority disease area(s) for internal stakeholders
- Personal Development: Continuously demonstrate development of scientific expertise in disease area(s) of company focus
- Compliance : Compliance with relevant company and industry code of Conduct and also to comply with local country codes

[ 자격조건 ]

- Bachelor’s Degree or working towards a professional qualification (Science related) 
- Thorough knowledge or experience of the pharmaceutical industry and the area of field medical 
- Ability to interact and manage a range of stakeholders both internally and externally 
- Knowledge of legislation relevant to pharmaceutical sales and marketing
- Advanced scientific degree 
- Understanding of multiple aspects within Medical Affairs
-  Above 2 years related experience

[ 전형방법 ]
1차 서류전형
2차 면접전형

[ 제출서류 ]
국문.영문이력서.경력기술서포함(각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
채용담당 : 이경아 전무 ( 02-6951-4931/ 010-2726-3565) 


ㆍ서류전형 > 면접전형 > 최종합격

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