Finance_Internal Controller (대리과장급)

- 외국계 유명 럭셔리 기업

헤니앤머코이는 2006년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 15명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로92길 14 (대치동, 동우리빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅 및 커리어 컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Finance Internal Controller
( 1명 )


1. Internal Controls and Compliance Assurance

To implement ICS program in pursuant with Group ICS policies and procedures, including:

- assess process and controls, identify and report control gaps, formulate and follow up of remediation plans with business users across brands and functions.

- manage the Group Riskonnect reporting system to ensure that correct and complete information is documented by control owners, including control activities, results of control reviews and progress of remediation plans.

- extend the control reviews to cover essential processes and flows pertinent to financial reporting. This will cover identification of risks and initiation of corrective actions with process owners and relevant stakeholders in alignment with Group/Regional policies and procedures;

- initiate regular review with Business/IT Users to ensure user access profiles to application systems are properly reviewed by the user departments in pursuant with Group IT Security Requirements, and to ensure that all valid user profiles are on need basis, profiles with segregation of duties conflicts are with mitigation controls timely established upon  user profiles set up.

- Coordinate with external auditors on internal control and audit related issues including K-Sox compliance


2. Boutique ICS Reviews

To comply with Group Policies and Procedures for Boutique ICS review of retail front office controls, including:

- set up Boutique ICS review plan in accordance with Group Policies and Procedures in terms of frequency and checking mechanism;

- design risk-based review plan, frequency, audit approaches and programs, in additional to Group requirements, by taking into account controls exercised by local retail finance controls, Brands and other RSS Functions;   

- organize, perform and monitor the execution of boutique reviews for timely completion and communication of results and improvement action plans to stakeholders within Brands and RSS Functions; and

- quarterly update of review status and results to Local/Regional Management / Function Heads and update status in Group ICS Risk


3. Special Assignments / Management Reviews

- assist ICS Manager to oversee or maintain the Boutique Operation Manual to ensure it is properly updated to facilitate effective execution of Boutique ICS review;

- plan and perform special reviews/projects as assigned by management; and

- maintain Risk Register for the market with Local Security and report periodically to Local/Regional Management.


4. Training and Development

- liaise with stakeholders to manage delivery of Internal Control Compliance training content and presentation within the market to enhance control awareness; and

- keep abreast of ICS review methodology, Group / Regional Policies and Procedures and extend rapport and feedback to Group, Regional and other market ICS/Internal Audit teams on internal control related issues


5. Inventory Controls

To help ICS Manager to ensure correctness of finance inventory records and the associated controls over safeguarding of inventories are satisfactory, including:

- liaise with key stakeholders (Finance, Brands, Logistics) to set up effective controls to safeguard company inventory to prevent, detect and rectify inventory risks;

- ensure adequate controls over inventory system adjustments (shrinkage, negative stock, code up/down, etc.), as well as long outstanding stock-in-transit at Month /Year-end closing; and

- oversee warehouse and boutiques cut-off and stocktake activities; and ensure all discrepancies are satisfactorily addressed and resolved.


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력5년↑

- University degree in business/accounting/finance (CPA preferred)

- Minimum 4~5 years’ experience in a multinational company or Big 4 audit team working experience, especially related to internal control.

- In depth knowledge and experience in retail business.

- Good coordinator, ability to work together to meet objectives.

- Open minded and good interpersonal skills.

- Fluent in English


ㆍ관련 학과 전공자

ㆍ관련 자격증 보유자

ㆍ유관업무 경력자

ㆍ자격증 : CPA


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