

Q 미국-프로모션

21.09.01 작성

Dear Sir/Madams,

I am an artist manager originally from England, now based in Seoul. 

Many Western, particularly American, media outlets have been contacting me because they want to promote Wake One Ent artists in the West but don`t know who to contact.

I am also not sure who to contact, so I am reaching out here in the hopes of finding someone to talk to in order to discuss global promotions of your artists. Budget should not be a concern as I would cover this. 

번거롭게 해서 죄송 해요 Wake One Entertainment 소속 아티스트를 홍보하기 위해 여러 서방 언론으로부터 연락을 받았습니다. 저는 이러한 프로모션을 담당하는 직원과 상의하기 위해 이메일 주소를 취득하고 싶습니다. 토론하려면 lindiedayo@gmail.com으로 이메일을 보내주십시오.

Best regards,

Lindie Turner-Gibb 

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    온라인마케터 / 5년차

    I don`t know why you write an English email on this job recruitment site. Are you boring in now?

    21.09.02 작성 신고

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