합격 자소서 상세

2021 하반기

신입 반도체엔지니어 합격자소서

합격자 정보 대학원 / 물리학과
  • 학점4.38
  • 토스Level6
  • 자격증1 개
  • 해외경험1 회
  • 수상1 회

자소서 항목 질답

  • Dear Recruitment officer,
    Hello, this is the applicant -----------------. I am writing to apply for the ---------------------------------

    I majored in optics and have experience in various equipment related to semiconductor processes.
    Working in the field, it was closely related to the semiconductor industry. I’ve encountered a variety of optical systems and equipments, I felt that cutting-edge technology is in the field related to semiconductor processes. So, I apply because I want to do work based on knowledge and understanding of high-tech equipment.

    Through the project ----------------------------------------- I gained an understanding of the semiconductor process and knowledge of what equipment is used in the process. To reduce overlay errors, an interferometer study was conducted to measure the modified surface of the wafer.
    Through the ------------------------------------- project, the lithography process was carried out for about a year. The encoder, a precision position control device, manufactured the product through reverse engineering based on the shape and composition of the layer with a glass scale engraved with fine line width consisting of a sensor and several layers. Through this, I have identified the process and possible issues.
    By participating in the project ----------------------------------------------, From the selection of lens materials, I identified issues that may arise from the use of high-power sources and proceeded with a project to apply them to the production of yarn.
    In addition, there is a history of optical design for ---------------------------------------------.

    I think there were many opportunities for access to new areas and systems in the process of research and development. Based on existing experience, I am confident that I will be able to reduce the understanding and acquisition time of the new system and the cause analysis time in the issue of error.

    I believe my qualifications and experience match well with the requirements of this position, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for reviewing my application.

    Sincerely Yours,